Church History
1847: Missouri Lutheran Church comes into existence
1854: Evangelical Protestant Congregation founded (what would become Zion)
1868: Church membership is split and a new building called Reformed Lutheran Church is erected on the north side of the road
1904: First voters' meeting is held in English
1909: First use of the name "Zion" connected with the church; new constitution written; two congregations rejoin
1910: First telephone connected (in the living quarters in the back of the old north church); first rental of parsonage
1913: Services now held only in north church
1914: First marriage in the present church: Nicholas Mueller and Ruby Fuhr
1917: First automobile used by pastor
1921: First confirmation classes held during summer (3, less than 1/2 day, sessions per week) instead of during the fall and winter months
1922: First translation of the constitution and by-laws from German into English
1925: First lighted Christmas tree in church (battery powered)
1926: First official membership in the Missouri Lutheran Synod; first Sunday School for children (summers only)
1930: Parsonage purchased (one-half mile south of church)
1934: Young People's Society organized
1937: First electricity in the church
1939: First power lawnmower purchased ($113)
1941: First Sunday School superintendent appointed
1942: First envelopes used for collection; first Vacation Bible School; first women's society formed (Dorcas)
1944: First mid-week Lenten services
1945: First men's group organized; voters' meetings become quarterly
1948: Electric organ with chimes purchased
1949: Buffalo Center School removed
1950: Parish hall built; six elders and six trustees
1951: Roller-skating in parish hall began
1957: First year that two services were held
1971: Parsonage sold to Pastor Stuebe for $1 at his retirement; Friendship Club organized
1973: Piano purchased for parish hall
1974: New parsonage built west of parish hall; addition to parish hall
1975: Allen Digital Organ purchased
1976: First monthly newsletter
1980: Evening LWML organized
1981: First complete basement and indoor bathrooms in church
1983-4: Church interior redecorated, aluminum siding added, old school removed
1990: Elevator installed and east basement made handicapped accessible
1992: Air conditioning installed in church
1993: Tape ministry began
1998: Outdoor altar built
1999: Remodeled kitchen in parish hall
2003: Handbells purchased
2004: Celebration of 150th anniversary and placement of granite church sign